One day, boarding school student Takeru awakes to find himself in another world, one threatened by mysterious invaders. He soon learns that his only chance of returning home is to join forces with a group of beautiful female warriors, most of them mirror images of classmates and friends.
Muv-Luv Unlimited has finished publishing and it has 30 Chapters. It is also Known as: マブラヴ アンリミテッド, MuvLuv Unlimited
Genres: Science Fiction , Sports , Harem , Fantasy , Action , Ecchi , Adventure
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Top Manga Like Muv-Luv Unlimited [2025 List]
1. Full Metal Panic! Sigma
Tells the same story as Full Metal Panic Second Raid and is as such, also based on the novels The End Of Day By Day.
Leaving off after the original series, this series tells of Sousuke and Mithril as they fight Amalgam. Like the original series, but both sides have gotten a bit more aggressive...
Full Metal Panic! Sigma has finished publishing and it has 90 Chapters. It is also Known as: フルメタル・パニック! Σ, Full Metal Panic! Sigma