The series focuses on Jyugo, Uno, Nico, and Rock, four young prisoners at a unique prison where inmates are divided into groups and assigned numbers. They comprise group 13 and, despite the circumstances, take every opportunity to have fun, much to the chagrin of their guard Hajime. However, Jyugo's leisurely life is upset when he learns there is more to his past than he remembers...
The Numbers It is also Known as: ナンバカ, Nambaka, The Numbers, Numbaka
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Top Manga Like The Numbers (Nanbaka) [2024 List]
- 2. Deadman Wonderland
- 1. Yuru Yuri
2. Deadman Wonderland
Ten years have passed since the Great Tokyo Earthquake, and the people's memories of the disaster have faded. Ganta Igarashi, a middle school evacuee, has finally begun to live a normal life...That is, until the day "Red Man" appears at his school and Ganta's fate is changed forever. His entire class is brutally murdered, and although innocent of the crime, Ganta is sentenced to death and sent to the bizarre prison known as "Deadman Wonderland." An insane and brutal game of prison survival begins!
Deadman Wonderland has finished publishing and it has 58 Chapters. It is also Known as: デッドマン・ワンダーランド, Deadman Wonderland
1. Yuru Yuri
Four mischievous girls illegally occupy the former Traditional Tea Ceremony clubroom, in order to create the "Amusement Club." These scamps...who ignore repeated warnings - in direct rebellion with the righteous directives of the Student Council - decide to remain in the room until they finally get off their bums and do something! In this slightly sluggish manga, full of fits and starts, the four girls set off from their homes for a walk together with days full of a little this and that! ♪
Yuru Yuri is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: ゆるゆり, Yuruyuri