Nasu is a collection of stories, focusing on a returning series of characters, such as Takama, a farmer, and a young girl named Aya Takashi, who begins the series abandoned by her father and residing in Tokyo with her two younger siblings, and as the manga progresses to its second volume, leaves the city to reside in the countryside with her relatives, near Takama's farm. Apart from the chapters concerning Takama and Aya, other stories are also featured, such as one telling the chronicles of samurai in the Edo period hunting forbidden eggplant (nasu), another set atop a futuristic Mount Fuji, another tale concerning a truck driver, and also Summer in Andalusia, the story concerning the professional Spanish bicyclist Pepe Benengeli, from which the film was adapted.
Nasu has finished publishing and it has 24 Chapters. It is also Known as: 茄子, NASU: Stories about Eggplant, Summer in Andalusia
Genres: Thriller , Slice of Life
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Top Manga Like Nasu [2024 List]
2. Coffee Jikan
This is a collection of short stories that all involve coffee in some way.
Coffee Time has finished publishing and it has 17 Chapters. It is also Known as: 珈琲時間, Kōhī Jikan, Koohii Jikan, Coffee Time
1. Bokura no Funka Matsuri
When a local volcano erupts, the depopulated town of Kanematsu suddenly thrives as a hot-springs resort. High-school student Tomiyama, a cool character, can't accept this dramatic transformation, while his friend Sakurajima enthusiastically embraces it. This is the story of how their friendship is affected by changes in their town. The freely-drawn, casual style the manga brings to its portrayal of the shifting emotions of high-school boys has earned it many fans.
Our Eruption Festival has finished publishing and it has 16 Chapters. It is also Known as: ぼくらのフンカ祭, Bokura no Funkasai, Our Eruption Festival