A fun romantic comedy revolving around Erina Wada, a high school girl who absolutely adores cats, and her classmate, Akira Nekoyama, who is unsociable and always wears a mask. Erina is nicknamed "Queen" by her classmates due to her cool appearance, but when she talks about cats, she gets extremely excited. One day, a cat visits her lawn. Lured by its cuteness, she gets excited and kisses the cat, and then...?!
A Kiss with a Cat has finished publishing and it has 25 Chapters. It is also Known as: 猫とキス, Neko-Kiss, Cat and a Kiss, قطة وقبلة, 猫和亲吻, 고양이와 키스, Küss den Kater!
Genres: Romance , Shoujo , Comedy , Supernatural , Fantasy , Friendship , Slice of Life , School Life , High School
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Top Manga Like A Kiss with a Cat (Neko to Kiss) [2025 List]
1. Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Narumi Momose has had it rough: every boyfriend she’s had dumped her once they found out she was an otaku, so she’s gone to great lengths to hide it. When a chance meeting at her new job with childhood friend, fellow otaku, and now coworker Hirotaka Nifuji almost gets her secret outed at work, she comes up with a plan to make sure he never speaks up. But he comes up with a counter-proposal: why doesn’t she just date him instead? In love, there are no save points.
Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku has finished publishing and it has 86 Chapters. It is also Known as: ヲタクに恋は難しい, It’s Difficult to Love an Otaku, Love is Hard for Otaku, Otaku ni Koi a Muzukashii, WotaKoi, 阿宅的戀愛太難, ♂taku ♀taku