A sarcastic but fearful "headless knight," a shut-in but strong-willed princess, and a crown with a mysterious power. The story opens with financial scandal and a mysterious stranger...
Obito no Hime to Kubinashi Kishi has finished publishing and it has 4 Chapters. It is also Known as: 首の姫と首なし騎士, The Head Princess and the Headless Knight
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Top Manga Like Obito no Hime to Kubinashi Kishi [2025 List]
2. Shinigamihime no Saikon
Because at her wedding ceremony her future husband suddenly died,
people decided to call Alicia "Shinigami Hime" (the princess of the death).
Some time after that incident, a despot came to propose to her...
(Credits: Sound of Jewels)
Shinigamihime no Saikon has finished publishing and it has 14 Chapters. It is also Known as: 死神姫の再婚, The Princess of Death's Second Marriage, Bride of the Death
1. Okobore Hime to Entaku no Kishi
Leticia's father, the current king, is very wise and knew that both of his sons have their own supporters and that if either one became king the other brother's supporters would rebel, and the country would have a civil war. So he decided to announce that he will retire while he's still alive and make his daughter, the princess, his successor! However, the princess never expected to be Queen and she really doesn't have any political allies. So she decides to gather a group of knights loyal to her and form her own "round table" before the day of her coronation. The problem is, all of the good knights who are strong and skillful and loyal have already been snatched up by her father and brothers for their own personal guards.
has finished publishing and it has 17 Chapters. It is also Known as: おこぼれ姫と円卓の騎士, The Leftover Princess and the Knight of the Round Table, The Leftover Princess and the Round-Table Knight