The historical romantic comedy follows 17-year-old high schooler Sagara Yoshiharu who one day time-travels to the Sengoku period, where all the major Samurai lords are cute girls. Yoshiharu meets Oda Nobuna, the girl counterpart of Oda Nobunaga, and begins to serve her as a substitute of Kinoshita Tokichiro, who has been dead in the world.
Oda Nobuna no Yabou It is also Known as: 織田信奈の野望, Oda Nobuna's Ambition, Oda Nobuna no Yabou Zenkokuban
Genres: Comedy , Historical , Romance
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Top Light Novel Like Oda Nobuna no Yabou [2025 List]
1. Zero no Tsukaima
The continent of Halkeginia is tumultuous--a place where the various kingdoms, princedoms, dukedoms, and fiefdoms strive against each other to expand their domains. They nobility scheme and plot among themselves to gain influence to their lieges or to even foreign lieges. In the middle of Halkeginia is the small but important kingdom of Tristein. The most notable fact about this kingdom is the Tristein Academy of Magic where nobility from all over the world come to study magic so they can become magi. Although friendships will form across national boundaries at this school, will they survive the politics and games of the world at large once they leave?
Louise is a student at Tristein Magical Academy. She is known to be quite a screw up when it comes to her magic. One day, a ceremony takes place where each student is to call forth a being or entity that will become his or her familiar. For Louise, her familiar comes in the form of a boy named Hiraga Saito. Somehow, he managed to get transported from his world into hers, and shortly after became her familiar.
Familar of Zero has finished publishing and it has 222 Chapters. It is also Known as: ゼロの使い魔, Zero's Familiar