The story follows Kaito Tachibana, an aspiring chef, who hires Kataoka Isuke on a whim on rainy day in Tokyo. Kataoka moved to Tokyo for university as a digital arts student and works part-time at the restaurant where Tachibana is training as a chef. With time, Tachibana and Kataoka move in together and their work relationship develops into something more.
Good Morning, Good Night and Then It is also Known as: おはようとおやすみとそのあとに, Ohayou to Oyasumi to Sono Ato ni
Genres: Slice of Life , Romance , Yaoi
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Top Manga Like Good Morning, Good Night and Then (Ohayou to Oyasumi to Sono Ato ni) [2025 List]
2. Afurete Shimau
Horny high-schooler Komori Yuuichi, left stranded as his best friend has got a boyfriend, finds a new confident in Wakana Haruto, a university student part-timing at the bookstore he frequents.
Afurete Shimau has finished publishing and it has 4 Chapters. It is also Known as: あふれてしまう, My heart is overflowing.
1. Koi da Ai da wa Sateoite
On the way home from work, Okazaki Taichi finds a man named Fuji, sleeping on a bench one day. Okazaki ends up bringing Fuji to his house, and somehow, he ends up on top of him, and they become friends with benefits. It's the start of an erotic BL between a heterosexual salaryman and a lewd bartender.☆
Koi da Ai da wa Sateoite has finished publishing and it has 6 Chapters. It is also Known as: 恋だ愛だはさておいて, Koi da Ai da wa Sateoite