Iroha, a masculine girl and Hifumi, a feminine boy are siblings who has transfered to a different middle school and moved to their grandparents house. However, after the first night much to their surprise...
Otome no Iroha! has finished publishing and it has 5 Chapters. It is also Known as: 乙女のいろは!, A Maiden's Beginning!, Otome no Iroha
Genres: Comedy , School Life , Ecchi
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Top Manga Like Otome no Iroha! [2025 List]
2. Amanin Shoujo Azuki
Wagashino Azuki, training secretly deep in the mountains. She's too clumsy and air-headed to be a ninja, but somehow Azuki ends up as the bodyguard of the heir to a financial empire! 3 mysterious girls also appear. How is this mission going to turn out!?
Ninja Action Manga & High School Love Comedy, all in one!
Amanin Shoujo Azuki has finished publishing and it has 7 Chapters. It is also Known as: 甘忍少女あずき, Sweet Ninja Girl Azuki
1. Mahou no Iroha!
Not particularly good at sports, not very popular, and not very good at school, Naoki's middle school years are filled with video games and erotic books. But one day, a cute girl called Iroha appears, claiming to be his daughter from 20 years in the future. Apparently, in the future magic has been discovered, and she has come back in time by magic to protect her beloved papa from a dark future.
Mahou no Iroha! has finished publishing and it has 17 Chapters. It is also Known as: 魔法のいろは!, Magical Iroha!