Popular boy Kagami is horrified when his secret is sniffed out by the infamous anime club President, Tsukishima. Tsukishima agrees to keep his secret, as long as he submits to her terms...
Ouji-sama Sama no Jijou. has finished publishing and it has 1 Chapters. It is also Known as: 王子様サマの事情。, Circumstances of a Princely Kind
Genres: Comedy , School Life , Shoujo Ai , Romance
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Top Manga Like Ouji-sama Sama no Jijou. [2025 List]
1. Mousou Shoujo Otaku-kei
Takahiro Abe, a regular high school boy, has a crush on Rumi Asai, who happens to be a hardcore, yaoi-loving, otaku-ish fujoshi. Her biggest fantasy is Abe and Shunsuke Chiba, the handsome class playboy, having homosexual affairs. To make things more complicated, Youko Matsui, class babe, accidentally reveals herself as an otaku-in-closet, and befriends Asai sharing fellow otaku interests. Every time Abe tries to convey his sincere feelings to Asai, something always gets in the way, be it his crazy friends or Asai's misunderstandings. How will he be able to confess to this bizarre girl!?
Otaku-Type Delusion Girl has finished publishing and it has 51 Chapters. It is also Known as: 妄想少女オタク系, Otaku-Type Delusion Girl, Otaku Girls, Mousou Shoujo Otakukei