On the outskirts of Tokyo, Toubuisazaki High School is known for its mottos of “Yakuza are your friends!” and “Seize the chief’s weakness!” Amidst these scary rumors is the king of the school, high school student Maki: a person with an abrasive personality, who thinks of his classmates as servants. It’s a mystery that Yoshifumi, the school nurse, loves him. As Yoshifumi uses various tactics to draw Maki closer, how does Maki react? …He likes it!
Kiss the King! has finished publishing and it has 38 Chapters. It is also Known as: 王様にKISS!, Kiss the King!
Genres: Comedy , School Life , Yaoi
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Top Manga Like Kiss the King! (Ousama ni Kiss!) [2025 List]
- 1. Hatsuai
1. Hatsuai
Why would Kashiwaya be so bothered by Hibino’s adam’s apple? Kashiwaya couldn’t figure out the reason and thought maybe he might be a vampire. After pushing Hibino down and started licking at his throat, Kashiwaya felt so good that he didn’t want to stop. What is going on? The pure and innocent love story of a unique high-schooler, Kashiwaya, and his classmate, Hibino.
Hatsuai has finished publishing and it has 7 Chapters. It is also Known as: Hatsu Ai, Hatsu-Ai, The First Make Love