A new manga adaptation of Persona 5 by the artist of the P4AU manga, Rokuro Saito. This story takes place in the fall and follows Ren Amamiya and the Phantom Thieves as they take on Mementos requests.
Persona 5: Mementos Mission has finished publishing and it has 19 Chapters. It is also Known as: Persona 5: Mementos Mission
Genres: Tokyo , Japan , Contemporary Fantasy , Fantasy , Demon , Crime , Action , Mystery , Supernatural
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Top Manga Like Persona 5: Mementos Mission [2025 List]
2. Tokyo Babylon
Subaru Sumeragi is a 16 year old, cheerful and extremely caring Onmyou medium (the head of his family, the Sumeragi clan) who confronts and helps take care of ghosts and spirits with the help of his twin sister, Hokuto, and his gentleman friend, Seishiro. Subaru does his best to help anyone he meets, but the entire atmosphere of the polluted city of Tokyo in the 90s, brings about a feeling of desperation that threatens to drag Subaru's spirit down. (Source:ANN)
Tokyo Babylon has finished publishing and it has 18 Chapters. It is also Known as: 東京 BABYLON, Tokyo Babylon
1. Persona 5: Comic à la Carte
An anthology comic of Persona 5 by various mangaka.
Persona 5: Comic à la Carte has finished publishing and it has 13 Chapters. It is also Known as: ペルソナ5 コミックアラカルト, Persona 5: Comic à la Carte