Pilgrim Jäger is a historical fiction that takes place in Europe in the year 1521, at the time of the Protestant Reformation. The story follows two women, Adele the acrobat and Karin the fortuneteller. Afraid of being accused of witchcraft, they disguise their special powers, working as common performers (professionisti) to earn enough money to buy indulgences from the Catholic Church that will hopefully free them from their sins. However, their powers soon get them involved in a great religious battle involving the Medici family, the Este family, Girolamo Savonarola's "prophecies," and many others.
Pilgrim Jäger It is also Known as: ピルグリム・イェーガー, Pilgrim J, Pilgrim Joger
Genres: Thriller , Historical , Fantasy , Action , Adventure
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Top Manga Like Pilgrim Jäger (Pilgrim Jager) [2025 List]
1. Le Chevalier d'Eon
A mysterious cult is sacrificing beautiful young women to a demonic force that has promised them the kingdom of France in return for the blood of their victims. Only one man can save Paris from chaos and terror - the Chevalier d’Eon!
Le Chevalier d'Eon has finished publishing and it has 45 Chapters. It is also Known as: シュヴァリエ, The Knight of Eon