The manga follows Rumi Ikuno, a second-year student who transferred into Hanagaoka Private Girls' Academy. She leads a simple, oblivious life, even as she causes bewilderment and trouble around her. The manga depicts the profoundly strange girl's life that is sometimes amusing, but mostly irritating.
Included one-shot:
Volume 4: Rumi-chan Zenya: Rumi-chan ga, Ima no Rumi-chan ni Naru Sukoshi Mae no Ohanashi (pilot)
Rumi-chan no Jishou has finished publishing and it has 181 Chapters. It is also Known as: るみちゃんの事象, Rumi-chan Zenya
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Top Light Novel Like Rumi-chan no Jishou [2025 List]
1. Tonari no Seki-kun
Toshinari Seki takes goofing off to new heights. Every day, on or around his school desk, he masterfully creates his own little worlds of wonder, often hidden to most of his classmates. Unfortunately for Rumi Yokoi, his neighbor at the back of their homeroom, his many games, dioramas, and projects are often way too interesting to ignore; even when they are hurting her grades.
My Neighbour Seki is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: となりの関くん, Tonari no Seki-kun