Tokumaru Tokuda is a medical student who is taking a leave of absence from school and spending every day lazily. To search for his big brother who went missing after sending an e-mail saying "Help me", Tokumaru ends up going to "Western Tibet". Using the photo that his brother sent as a hint, Tokumaru and two male guides, Sonam and Namgyal head toward a certain valley. However, it's a valley that not even the locals go near since it is said that the valley brings disaster on anybody that comes near… The three men embark on their long journey on foot in Western Tibet, the land high above the world.
The Wheel of Life has finished publishing and it has 19 Chapters. It is also Known as: 流転のテルマ, Ruten no Teruma
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Top Manga Like The Wheel of Life (Ruten no Terma) [2025 List]
1. Tenju no Kuni
Eighteenth century, Tibet. Kang Shiva, a thirteen-year-old doctor-apprentice boy, lives in a mountain village. One day, when he came home from the herb collection, the bride and the party who was marrying were staying in his house. The bride's name is Moshi-La. She is the bride of Kang Shiva, and came all the way from a foreign country...! A heartwarming story of the daily life in Tibet of a gentle boy and his mysterious bride is woven.
Blissful Land is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: テンジュの国, Tenju no Kuni