The story focuses on Kiya, a boy living with his adopted sister, Koyomi. His body contains the Native Cell, which allows him to transform into a dragon-like being known as an Arch-Type. He is then kidnapped by a bounty hunter known as TJ, and is expected to be pursued in later chapters.
Ryuu wa Tasogare no Yume wo Miru has finished publishing and it has 11 Chapters. It is also Known as: 竜は黄昏の夢を見る, Ryuu wa Tasogare no Yume o Miru
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Top Manga Like Ryuu wa Tasogare no Yume wo Miru [2025 List]
- 1. Blood+
1. Blood+
Saya, the main character, lost her memory and has been living with her adopted family. Her everyday life seems quite normal, except that she eats a lot more than she actually needs. Then one day she meets a guy named Hagi in a park. She is told that he has been searching for her, for a long time. Since then, her normal life has changed completely. (This manga series is proceeding quite a bit differently from the anime)
A high school girl named Saya can not remember anything from her past. A handsome young man, Hagi, appears and something seems familiar about him. This girl is more than human with an ancient and mysterious past. She will hunt down and kill the monsters called Chiropterans.
[Volume one starts similar to the anime, except the villains.]
~Mai-fi (B-U manga)
Blood+ has finished publishing and it has 20 Chapters. It is also Known as: 血战, Blood Plus