The manga revolves around the Sakura household, which has since ancient times worked as sake brewers. One day the daughter of the household finds a katana in her family's warehouse and when she unsheathes it, the sword starts to shine. The title Sakura Jūyūshi is a play on words of Sanada Jūyūshi, a story of the group of 10 ninja who assisted the warlord Sanada Yukimura during the Warring States era of Japan.
Sakura Juuyuushi has finished publishing and it has 14 Chapters. It is also Known as: さくら十勇士, Sakura Juuyuushi
Genres: Shoujo Ai
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Top Manga Like Sakura Juuyuushi [2025 List]
- 2. Sengoku Strays
- 1. Ashi-Girl
2. Sengoku Strays
Kasane is your average kendo-obsessed girl, when a brush with a mysterious sword sends her back in time to the Sengoku Era. Stuck in an unfamiliar time and place, Kasane also has the poor luck of winding up right in the middle of the turmoil that surrounded Oda Nobunaga's rise to power!
Sengoku Strays has finished publishing and it has 79 Chapters. It is also Known as: 戦國ストレイズ, Sengoku Strays
1. Ashi-Girl
Hayakawa Yui is totally a unmotivated, lazy girl who loves sleeping and eating. She's 16 but looks like a boy from elementary school; her one and only talent is to run really fast. After accidentally switching on the time machine which her younger brother made she travels to the Sengoku period, where luckily she joins retreating foot soldiers using the name Yuinosuke. Then she eats some amanitas and meets the man of her dreams.
Note: Includes 6 extra chapters.
has finished publishing and it has 120 Chapters. It is also Known as: アシガール, Ashi-Girl