In the gothic Gray City, there lives a 17 years old girl named Aime Komori, very clumsy and shy. But during the night, she uses her magic eyes powder, and she turns into Shadow Lady, an expert thief with great abilities, beautiful and daring. During the night, she must take care of not being captured by the police, especially the Inspector Dori, who always puts an obsessive energy in trying to catch her.
Source: ANN
Shadow Lady has finished publishing and it has 24 Chapters. It is also Known as: SHADOW LADY, Shadow Lady
Genres: Comedy , Science Fiction , Fantasy , Sports , Action
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Top Manga Like Shadow Lady [2025 List]
- 1. Cutie Honey
1. Cutie Honey
Honey Kisaragi is a normal catholic schoolgirl. That is, until her father was murdered by the Panther Claws who were seeking the Airbourne Elemental Fixation Device. She then finds out that she is actually an android created by him with the Airbourne Elemental Fixation Device within her. She is now trying to live a life as a normal schoolgirl and seeking revenge against Panther Claw.
Cutie Honey: The Classic Collection has finished publishing and it has 24 Chapters. It is also Known as: キューティーハニー, Cutie Honey