Manga based off the popular otome game of the same name, tells the story of 17 years old Katagiri Kaede that is determined to be a ninja studying in the famous Fujiwara Ninja Training Academy. One Day, Kaede accidentally cast a genjutsu (illusion jutsu) called "Mero-mero Jutsu" which causes any guy within a range to falls head over heels in love with her! Now, she has to pick one of the guys she charmed to train together so she can pass her ninja exam. Trouble is, the guys she charmed are all popular guys in the academy! What will happened to our heroine from now on...?
Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu It is also Known as: 忍び、恋うつつ, Ninja, Strike at Love
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Top Manga Like Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu [2025 List]
1. Geten no Hana
Hotaru Kunoichi of the Iga Village accepted a request to infiltrate Oda Nobunaga's castle, Aduchi Castle. The one waiting for her there was Nobunaga's confidant, Akechi Mitsuhide. Under the lie that she is Mitsuhide's young sister, she stays in the castle and decides to investigate the internal conditions of the Oda army to see if there are any who would harm Nobunaga. Hotaru deepens her relations with great military commanders, from Nobunaga to Hashiba Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. However, it will all be over if they figure out who she truly is...
Geten no Hana has finished publishing and it has 14 Chapters. It is also Known as: 下天の華, Flower of the Human World, The Flower Under the Sky