Short Cuts is a manga series by Usamaru Furuya, released in two volumes and originally published in Young Sunday magazine. Each volume contains approximately one hundred 'cuts', short comics which typically span only one or two pages. The primary theme of Short Cuts is Japanese kogal and youth culture, which is tackled with a heavy use of visual jokes, black humor and sex comedy.
Short Cuts has finished publishing and it has 10 Chapters. It is also Known as: ショートカッツ, Short Cuts
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Top 9 Manga Like Short Cuts [2025 List]
9. Kizu darake no Tenshi-tachi
Adults-only gag strips you'll never see in a newspaper near you! Sex, fetishism and death are all grist for the mill for Masahiko Kikuni, a creator of sick-and-twisted gag strips drawn in a deceptively cute style.
Heartbroken Angels has finished publishing and it has 3 Chapters. It is also Known as: 傷だらけの天使たち, Heartbreak Angels, Kizudarake no Tenshitachi
8. Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to
A life description about the mangaka Aito Yuuki and his assistant Ashisu Sahoto.
Aito doesn't understand the feelings of the characters on his stories. So he asks Ashisu to help him. Ashisu would do everything for the work. She would even let him touch her breast so he will know how it feels like?!
The Habit?! The Pervert?! Can we understand them? That's the comedy of a mangaka life.
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to has finished publishing and it has 160 Chapters. It is also Known as: マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと, The Comic Artist and His Assistants, The Manga Creator and the Assistant and, Mangaka-san and Assistant-san and...
7. Franken Fran
Fran can make anyone into anything, raise the dead, switch heads and bodies and give you those eyes that you've always wanted. But do you actually want them? Is it a good thing to raise the dead? Do the ends justify the means? And does Fran care?
Franken Fran has finished publishing and it has 61 Chapters. It is also Known as: フランケン・ふらん, Franken Furan, Phase 20
6. Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru ka? Jikken
Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru ka? Jikken has finished publishing and it has Chapters. It is also Known as: 登校途中の出会い頭の偶然キスはありうるか?実験, Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru ka? Jikken
5. Wsamarus 2001
Compilation of assorted stories published in different magazines.
Wsamarus 2001 has finished publishing and it has Chapters. It is also Known as: ウサマルズ ニセンイチ, Wsamarus 2001
4. Nonscale
1. Nonscale
2-3. Scale Model
4. Onii-chan Onii-chan Sagi
5. Atatamemasuka?
6. Yume Miru Praline-chan
7. Karakorum Jogakuin
8. Kurayami no Naka de Kemono (Road to paradise in heaven)
9. Muchiuchi Uchuu
has finished publishing and it has 9 Chapters. It is also Known as: NONSCALE, Scale Model, Non-scale
3. Koi no Choujikuuhou
1. Nihonichi no Bishoujo no Machi (Japan's Number One Beauty Town)2. Konno Shigure no Koufukunaru Hibi (Konno Shigure's Blessed Daily Life)3. Toomezuka Sensei no Yuuganaru Tanoshimi (Miss Toomezuka's Refined Hobby)4. Nukekubi Aika (Lament of the Headless)5. Shiroi Ito (White String)6. Koukou Kansen Shoukougun (Oral Cavity Contagion Syndrome)7. Atsume Mono * Sawa (Collecting * Touch)8. Atsume Mono * Mizu (Collecting * Water)9. Ekimae Toono (Station Toono)10. Ekimae Indo (Station India)11. Inbiji (Invis)12. Gotouchi Kankouannai (Local Tourist Information)13. Koi no Choujikuuhou (Super Dimensional Love Gun)14. Tonde Menihairu Natsu no Mushi (The Summer Bugs That Fly Into Your Eyes)Koi no Choujikuuhou was published in English as Super Dimensional Love Gun by FAKKU on March 9, 2017.
Koi no Choujikuuhou has finished publishing and it has 14 Chapters. It is also Known as: 恋の超時空砲, Super-dimensional Love Gun , Japan's Number One Beauty Town , Konno Shigure's Blessed Daily Life , Lament of the Headless , White String , Oral Cavity Contagion Syndrome , Collecting Touch , Collecting Water , Station Toono , Station India , Invis , Local Tourist In
2. Murikuri
From Clamp no Lumiere:
Murikuri is the story of a popular pig, a pervert Santa Claus and his high school girlfriend, nice aliens and many more... It does not make sense and I would advise you to not try to understand it. Murikuri is to CLAMP what special Halloween is to the Simpsons, a collection of short gags.
Murikuri has finished publishing and it has 1 Chapters. It is also Known as: むりくり, Murikuri
1. Palepoli
Palepoli goes beyond the framework of standard four-panel manga and views its structure in new ways. Actually, Furuya knew nothing of conventional manga styles and methods when he started Palepoli. As a result, he created something that bore little similarity to other manga.
Palepoli has finished publishing and it has 4 Chapters. It is also Known as: Secret Comics Japan