A manga revolving around two samurais, Hikosaburo "Sky Hawk" and Manzo "Winds Wolf", exiled to United States during 1871-1977 period. They will learn to live with Sioux and will fight with them against Custer.
Ten no Taka has finished publishing and it has 10 Chapters. It is also Known as: 天の鷹, Ten no Taka
Genres: Thriller , Historical , Drama
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Top Manga Like Ten no Taka [2025 List]
- 1. Red
1. Red
Set in nineteenth-century America, Red is the last living survivor of a Native American tribe that was slaughtered by white men. On a long journey in search of revenge, he travels with Iero Ito, a samurai who ran away to America after being defeated in the Seinan civil war, and Ann, a mysterious prostitute. The bonds of friendship between the three are touching. Although it is all fiction, the story seems very real as it is based on actual battles between US troops, Apaches and other tribes. This is a Western written by a Japanese manga artist.
Red has finished publishing and it has 151 Chapters. It is also Known as: RED, Red