While cleaning her room, a young girl named Nana finds a mysterious diary. As soon as she opens it, out pops Majoko, a rambunctious wizard girl from the Land of Magic! Together, these two girls explore a fantastic world full of magic spells, wondrous creatures, and endless surprises. Every day is a big adventure when Majoko is around!
The Big Adventures of Majoko has finished publishing and it has 36 Chapters. It is also Known as: いたずらまじょ子の大冒険, Itazura Majoko no Daibouken
Genres: Magic
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Top Manga Like The Big Adventures of Majoko (Itazura Majoko no Daibouken) [2025 List]
1. Happy Happy Clover
That tale of a little bunny named Clover and her friends in the Crescent Forest.
Happy Happy Clover has finished publishing and it has 58 Chapters. It is also Known as: はぴはぴクローバー, Happy Happy Clover