Yozora enters the Moonlight Academy with the dream of becoming an etoile just like Umiyuri, whom she has admired. However, unexpected happening begin occurring...
Tsuki to Sekai to Étoile has finished publishing and it has 20 Chapters. It is also Known as: 月と世界とエトワール, La Lune, le Monde et une Etoile, Tsuki to Sekai to Star, Tsuki to Sekai to Etoile, Moon, World and Stars
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Top Manga Like Tsuki to Sekai to Étoile [2025 List]
1. Maria-sama ga Miteru
Yumi Fukuzawa, who is basically a nobody and a first year student at Lillian Academy, a Catholic exclusive school for girls with a tradition that older girls take a younger girl as their little sister or "soeur", suddenly finds herself interacting with the members of the Yamayurikai and their soeurs when an innocent encounter leads Sachiko to impulsively ask Yumi to be her soeur.
The Virgin Mary is Watching has finished publishing and it has 48 Chapters. It is also Known as: マリア様がみてる, Rosen unter Marias Obhut, Maria Watches Over Us, MariMite