The story revolves around Taiga who doesn't have memories from more than two years ago after his parents died in an accident. He lives with his sister, Tsubame, who he finds out is from outer space with the job of protecting him as he posses the Origin Heart.
Tubame Syndrome has finished publishing and it has 42 Chapters. It is also Known as: ツバメしんどろ〜む, Tsubame Syndrome
Genres: Comedy , Science Fiction , Sports , Romance , Ecchi
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Top Manga Like Tubame Syndrome [2025 List]
1. Omamori Himari
Severely allergic to felines, Yuuto Amakawa spends his mornings nursing a drippy nose courtesy of his friend Rinko’s cat. But on his sixteenth birthday, it’s not just Rinko’s pet that’s riling up his allergies (to say nothing of his hormones)! Appearing before him is Himari, a buxom, sword-wielding cat spirit in human guise, who has sworn to protect Yuuto, now the target of vengeful spirits! It’s clear that Yuuto’s allergies are the least of his problems — he’s gonna need Himari’s help if he wants to live to see his seventeenth birthday!
Omamori Himari has finished publishing and it has 75 Chapters. It is also Known as: おまもりひまり, Omamori Himari