Kuraki Fuzuchi is a quiet young man who has immense psychic powers and sword skills. He later meets Takeo Nanachi, a college student with similar latent powers. The story opens with Nanachi traveling to a small shrine in the mountains for a festival that only occurs every 49 years in order to purify his (now deceased) grandfather’s sword. There he meets Kuraki and later accidentally stumbles upon Kuraki’s initiation ritual as a Shaman. From there on, their lives are inexplicitly intertwined as they encounter various ghosts, spirits, demons, and other characters with supernatural powers while the author also provides a parallel running story depicting their previous life.
has finished publishing and it has 80 Chapters. It is also Known as: 八雲立つ, Eight Clouds Rising, Hidari no Kei
Genres: Martial Arts , Drama , Supernatural , Shoujo , Mystery
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Top Manga Like (Yakumo Tatsu) [2025 List]
- 3. Katana Series
- 2. Gate 7
- 1. Shuuen no Elysion
3. Katana Series
A unique owner with an unusual talent, a boy is able to see the Katana's true form! Behold the strange tales of a sword sharpening meister!
Katana Series is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: KATANAシリーズ, Katana Series
2. Gate 7
Between our conscious, waking world and the subconscious state of slumber, there is a thinly veiled plane of lucid dreaming. While the conscious state belongs to individuals, the hidden plane of dreams is one shared by all human minds, past, present, and future. Yet only a few have ever possessed the power to enter this secret realm at will - where a war is being waged to control the waking world. For our earthly wishes and desires are not our own, but under the manipulation of these unseen masters of dreams. The heroine of Gate 7 is Hana, a high-school girl hailing from Kyoto, the daughter of a temple caretaker. Her peaceful ways give her the self-control to act in the hidden realm. But Hana can only reach it through the strange beast that acts as her totem in the world of dreams - and her companion on a journey to confront the puppeteers of our reality!
Gate 7 is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: GATE 7, Mangettes: Gate 7
1. Shuuen no Elysion
Shuuen no Elysion has finished publishing and it has 19 Chapters. It is also Known as: 終焉のエリュシオン, Elysion of Demise