The story revolves around Ryōko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirō Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryōko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.
Ryoko's Case File has finished publishing and it has 47 Chapters. It is also Known as: 薬師寺涼子の怪奇事件簿, Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo
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Top Manga Like Ryoko's Case File (Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo) [2025 List]
1. GS Mikami Gokuraku Daisakusen!!
Overdevelopment and crowding in Japan has forced many of its indigenous spirits and ghosts to lose their homes. Due to problems caused by the homeless spirits, a new profession was created, the Ghost Sweepers (GS). Private exorcists for hire; they serve only the highest bidder to survive in the cutthroat corporate world. Among this, the Mikami GS Company, led by Reiko Mikami and her two assistants, the teenage boy Tadao Yokoshima and the ghost girl Okinu, is said to be the best.
GS Mikami Gokuraku Daisakusen!! has finished publishing and it has 390 Chapters. It is also Known as: GS美神 極楽大作戦!!, Ghost Sweeper Mikami Gokuraku Daisakusen!!, Gokuraku Mouja