Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 5 has finished airing and it has 52 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 5
Genres: Post Apocalypse , Fantasy , Adventure , Comedy , Anthropomorphism , Vampire , Friendship , Anime Influenced
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Top 5 Anime Like Adventure Time Season 5 [2025 List]
5. Adventure Time Season 8
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 8 has finished airing and it has 27 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 8
4. Adventure Time Season 3
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 3 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 3
3. Adventure Time Season 2
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 2 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 2
2. Adventure Time Season 1
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 1 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 1
1. Sakasama no Patema
Patema is a plucky young girl from an underground civilization boasting an incredible network of tunnels. Inspired by a friend that mysteriously went missing, she is often reprimanded due to her constant excursions of these tunnels due to her royal status. After she enters what is known as the "forbidden zone," she accidentally falls into a giant bottomless pit after being startled by a strange creature.
Finding herself on the surface, a world literally turned upside down, she begins falling towards the sky only to be saved by Age, a discontented student of the totalitarian nation known as Aiga. The people of Aiga are taught to believe that "Inverts," like Patema, are sinners that will be "swallowed by the sky," but Age has resisted this propaganda and decides to protect his new friend. A chance meeting between two curious teenagers leads to an exploration of two unique worlds as they begin working together to unveil the secrets of their origins in Sakasama no Patema, a heart-warming film about overcoming differences in order to coexist.
Patema Inverted has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: サカサマのパテマ, Sakasama no Patema