Set in the year 2060, the novel follows a love story as Tokyo's third Olympics draws near. Takeru Oosawa, who works for the AI Robot Technology Research Lab, is chosen as a member of the national secret project using humanoid robots. With the help of childhood friend and co-worker Youichirou Amano and his sister Saki, Takeru tries his best to reach his objectives. However, the situation changes when Saki's office receives a warning note for terrorism.
*This project was cancelled*
I fall in love with you through a robot (Movie) has not yet aired. It is also Known as: 僕はロボットごしの君に恋をする, Boku wa Robot-goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru Movie
Genres: Robot , Android , Science Fiction , Romance
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Top Anime Like I fall in love with you through a robot (Movie) (Boku wa Robot-goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru Movie) [2025 List]
2. Boku wa Robot-goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru Movie
Set in the year 2060, the novel follows a love story as Tokyo's third Olympics draws near. Takeru Oosawa, who works for the AI Robot Technology Research Lab, is chosen as a member of the national secret project using humanoid robots. With the help of childhood friend and co-worker Youichirou Amano and his sister Saki, Takeru tries his best to reach his objectives. However, the situation changes when Saki's office receives a warning note for terrorism.
*This project was cancelled*
I fall in love with you through a robot (Movie) has not yet aired. It is also Known as: 僕はロボットごしの君に恋をする, Boku wa Robot-goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru Movie
1. Plastic Memories
Eighteen-year-old Tsukasa Mizugaki has failed his college entrance exams, but after pulling some strings, he manages to land a job at the Sion Artificial Intelligence Corporation. SAI Corp is responsible for the creation of "Giftias"—highly advanced androids which are almost indiscernible from normal humans. However, unlike humans, Giftias have a maximum lifespan of 81,920 hours, or around nine years and four months. Terminal Service One, the station Tsukasa was assigned to, is responsible for collecting Giftias that have met their expiration date, before they lose their memories and become hostile.
Promptly after joining Terminal Service One, Tsukasa is partnered with a beautiful Giftia named Isla. She is a Terminal Service veteran and considered the best in Giftia retrievals, contrary to her petite figure and placid nature. Time is fleeting though, and Tsukasa must come to terms with his feelings for Isla before her time is up. No matter how much someone desires it, nothing lasts forever.
Plastic Memories has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: プラスティック・メモリーズ, Plamemo