Fuzuchi Kuraki is a quiet young high school student blessed with immense psychic powers and an ancient sword. He is searching for other magical artifacts with the help of Nanachi Takeo, a college student with latent powers of his own. They delve deep into the dark magic of Izumo, only to discover the secrets buried within the birthplace of all Japanese mythology.
Eight Clouds Rising has finished airing and it has 2 Episodes. It is also Known as: 八雲立つ, Yakumo Tatsu
Genres: Super Power , Historical , Adventure , Horror
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Top Anime Like Eight Clouds Rising (Yakumo Tatsu) [2025 List]
1. Honoo no Mirage
Takaya Ougi is just a typical high school guy who wants nothing more than to protect his best friend and live a normal life. Enter Nobutsuna Naoe, an older man who informs Takaya that he is in fact the reincarnation of Lord Kagetora. Naoe, himself a possessor, awakens Takaya's abilities to exorcise evil spirits and fight the Fuedal Underworld. While most possessors remember their former lives before being reincarnated, Takaya does not. Naoe is thankful for this, considering his passionate and abusive past with his Lord Kagetora. As Takaya improves his abilities, he also begins to remember what Naoe did because of his love for him. Meanwhile the dark forces of the Hojo and Fuma clans begin their attack as the Fuedal Underworld descends upon the living world.
Mirage of Blaze has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: 炎の蜃気楼 [ミラージュ], Honoo no Mirage