A theatrical film version of Madhouse's Aoi Bungaku Series anime. The film will re-edit the four episodes based on Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku) novel, which have character designs inspired by manga artist and novel illustrator Takeshi Obata. This "director's cut" will include new "navigation" footage which is being created specifically for the film with narrator Masato Sakai.
Ningen Shikkaku: Director's Cut-ban has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 人間失格 ディレクターズカット版, Aoi Bungaku Movie, No Longer Human Movie Recap
Genres: Japan , Slice of Life , Drama , Past , Historical , Psychological
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Four workers wait out the night around a campfire. Three of them are talking about different things when they start hearing strange noises. Their discussion wakes up a sleeping companion who promptly goes back to sleep only to start having dreams...
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1. Ningen Shikkaku: Director's Cut-ban
A theatrical film version of Madhouse's Aoi Bungaku Series anime. The film will re-edit the four episodes based on Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku) novel, which have character designs inspired by manga artist and novel illustrator Takeshi Obata. This "director's cut" will include new "navigation" footage which is being created specifically for the film with narrator Masato Sakai.
Ningen Shikkaku: Director's Cut-ban has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 人間失格 ディレクターズカット版, Aoi Bungaku Movie, No Longer Human Movie Recap