When the monstrous Gyumaoh was defeated by the war god Nataku Taishi and imprisoned in Houtou Castle, an era of peace began in the land of Togenkyo. Now, hundreds of years later, those seeking to resurrect Gyumaoh have unleashed a plague upon the world. The wave of negative power generated by his attempted resurrection has driven youkai to the brink of insanity. To save humanity from violent slaughter, Kanzeon Bosatsu sends Son Goku, Genjou Sanzou, Sha Gojyo, and Cho Hakkai to the west in order to prevent Gyumaoh from rising once again.
Saiyuuki Reload: Zeroin has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: 最遊記RELOAD -ZEROIN-, Saiyuuki Reload: Even a Worm Arc
Genres: Supernatural , Adventure , Action , Josei , Demon , Drama , Comedy
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Top Anime Like Saiyuuki Reload: Zeroin [2025 List]
As master assassin Usui Yuen looks into a series of assassinations made on the grand samurai clan, the Satsuma, he encounters Kurima Raizo, member and survivor of one of the attacks. Together, they discover the true nature of these murders is bigger than over stolen resources. As they get closer to the truth, will they come out alive to exact revenge?
REVENGER has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: リベンジャー, REVENGER