The anime takes place in the "smart city" envisioned by Kyocera. In the short, people express themselves through hashtags on aerial displays. Yume, who lacks self-confidence, tries to come up with a special hashtag, known as a "rare tag." Minoru, her senior, has multiple "rare tags."
My Hashtag Does Not Shine has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 私のハッシュタグが映えなくて。, 私の#が映えなくて。, My Hashtag Does Not Shine., TaguNaku, タグなく, Kyocera CM
Genres: Science Fiction , School Life , University
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Top Anime Like My Hashtag Does Not Shine (Watashi no Hashtag ga Haenakute.) [2025 List]
1. Watashi no Hashtag ga Haenakute.
The anime takes place in the "smart city" envisioned by Kyocera. In the short, people express themselves through hashtags on aerial displays. Yume, who lacks self-confidence, tries to come up with a special hashtag, known as a "rare tag." Minoru, her senior, has multiple "rare tags."
My Hashtag Does Not Shine has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 私のハッシュタグが映えなくて。, 私の#が映えなくて。, My Hashtag Does Not Shine., TaguNaku, タグなく, Kyocera CM