The story follows 33-year-old housewife Megumi Sano, who has strong spiritual sensitivity. One night, while having sex with her husband, a ghost suddenly appears in her room. She feels humiliated instead of terrified after the ghost witnesses her boring sex life with her husband. The ghost begins appearing in their bedroom nightly.
Ushimitsu Gao It is also Known as: ウシミツガオ, Ushimitsu Gao
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Top 5 Manga Like Ushimitsu Gao [2024 List]
5. Ashi no Aji
Ever since she was little, Ishihara has had a "thing" for women's legs. In fact, she became vice-president of the student council just so she could spend more time admiring president Kurosaki's shapely, kissable limbs. But when the worshipper and the worshipped are locked in a room with one another, a misunderstanding gives way to unspeakable desire...
The Taste Of Legs has finished publishing and it has 1 Chapters. It is also Known as: あしのあじ, Ashi no Aji
4. Ushimitsu Gao
The story follows 33-year-old housewife Megumi Sano, who has strong spiritual sensitivity. One night, while having sex with her husband, a ghost suddenly appears in her room. She feels humiliated instead of terrified after the ghost witnesses her boring sex life with her husband. The ghost begins appearing in their bedroom nightly.
Ushimitsu Gao is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: ウシミツガオ, Ushimitsu Gao
3. Sensei No Koto, Kusugutte Ageru
Shuuma Aguri isn’t like other high school boys. He doesn’t get into sexual talks with his friends, and he sits alone. While he does have a secret fetish, he keeps it to himself - after all, who would willingly talk to a guy with a tickle fetish?
The only solace he has in his life is Anzu, a girl he met online who herself has a desire to be tickled. The two decide to meet up one day, only for Shuuma to find out that Anzu… is actually his teacher, Maiko Ogura?
Sensei No Koto, Kusugutte Ageru is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: 先生のこと、くすぐってあげる, I'll Give My Teacher a Tickle, I'll Tickle You, Sensei
2. Second
Sora with the scars of love ended just in seconds. Lover and best friend happens to hamkkehan of aftershocks overnight. Their dangerous and thrilling secrets of the triangle begins...
has finished publishing and it has 34 Chapters. It is also Known as: セカンド, 세컨드, 세컨드 (안나래)
1. Hime Koukan ~Otasaa no Hime ga Kareshi Koukan wo Goshomou na Ken~
Two couples, both led astray by lust, get a novel idea and decide to swap partners.
It doesn’t go over well.
Hime Koukan ~Otasaa no Hime ga Kareshi Koukan wo Goshomou na Ken~ has finished publishing and it has 41 Chapters. It is also Known as: ヒメコウカン~オタサーの姫がカレシ交換をご所望な件~, Hime Koukan: Otaku Circle no Hime ga Kareshi Koukan wo Goshomou na Ken, Hime Koukan: Otaku Circle no Hime ga Kareshi Koukan wo Goshomou na Ken, Hime Koukan