Azuki-chan is a manga series about a young schoolgirl named Azusa Noyama, nicknamed Azuki-chan because when she was younger she was accidentally called Azuki instead of Azusa.
She always hated the name until one day a new boy starts in the same class as her called Yūnosuke Ogasawara, the same day she is teased by a boy called Ken-chan about her nickname. Yūnosuke-kun passes by and happily memorizes the name becoming the first girl he notices. Azuki is over joyed, and instantly falls in love with him, loving both him and her nickname.
However Azuki gets jealous when she sees him chatting to other girls and cannot work out why he doesn't realize her love.
There are two arcs of Azuki-chan Manga:
Elementary School (animated)
Junior High School
Azuki-chan has finished publishing and it has 57 Chapters. It is also Known as: あずきちゃん, Azuki-chan
Genres: Romance , Shoujo , Kids , School Life , Elementary School , Middle School , Plot Continuity , Comedy , Friendship , Slice of Life
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Top Manga Like Azuki-chan [2025 List]
2. Shougakusei no Himitsu
There are many firsts when you are a child. The first time your heart pounds fast when you see your childhood friend, when it didn't do so before. The first changes in your body. Friendships and relationships that all too sudden become more complicated. The times when you don't want to talk to anyone, but it feels too hard to bear alone. This is the story of elementary school children.
Shougakusei no Himitsu has finished publishing and it has 46 Chapters. It is also Known as: 小学生のヒミツ, Shougakusei no Himitsu
1. Azuki-chan
Azuki-chan is a manga series about a young schoolgirl named Azusa Noyama, nicknamed Azuki-chan because when she was younger she was accidentally called Azuki instead of Azusa.
She always hated the name until one day a new boy starts in the same class as her called Yūnosuke Ogasawara, the same day she is teased by a boy called Ken-chan about her nickname. Yūnosuke-kun passes by and happily memorizes the name becoming the first girl he notices. Azuki is over joyed, and instantly falls in love with him, loving both him and her nickname.
However Azuki gets jealous when she sees him chatting to other girls and cannot work out why he doesn't realize her love.
There are two arcs of Azuki-chan Manga:
Elementary School (animated)
Junior High School
Azuki-chan has finished publishing and it has 57 Chapters. It is also Known as: あずきちゃん, Azuki-chan