Despite his athletic gifts, Ayasegawa Jiro is a loner who causes others to lose or give up on their dreams, all because of him. While struggling with his loneliness, he discovers the "Bambies," an uncompetitive baseball team whose motto is "having fun." Jiro finds joy in his baseball life with his teammates, but...
This is a baseball youth drama that explores the relationship between a genius and his peers.
The Days of Diamond It is also Known as: ダイヤモンドの功罪, Diamond no Kouzai
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Top Manga Like The Days of Diamond (Diamond no Kouzai) [2025 List]
- 4. The Young Bandit
- 3. Diamond no Kouzai
- 2. Hanaotoko
- 1. Tetsuwan Girl
4. The Young Bandit
A story combining baseball and banditry in a truly unusual fashion.
The Young Bandit has finished publishing and it has 1 Chapters. It is also Known as: 若い山賊, Wakai Sanzoku
3. Diamond no Kouzai
Despite his athletic gifts, Ayasegawa Jiro is a loner who causes others to lose or give up on their dreams, all because of him. While struggling with his loneliness, he discovers the "Bambies," an uncompetitive baseball team whose motto is "having fun." Jiro finds joy in his baseball life with his teammates, but...
This is a baseball youth drama that explores the relationship between a genius and his peers.
The Days of Diamond is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: ダイヤモンドの功罪, Diamond no Kouzai
2. Hanaotoko
Shigeo is a high strung elementary school student living with his mother. His only concern is getting ahead in life by doing well in school. He despises his father Hanao (who is separated from them), who's an idealistic free spirit and kid at heart infatuated with the sport of baseball.
Shigeo's mother forces Shigeo to take time to visit his father and so begins Shigeo's lessons that there's more to life than excelling academically (courtesy of his very childish father).
Hanaotoko has finished publishing and it has 40 Chapters. It is also Known as: 花男, Hana Otoko
1. Tetsuwan Girl
From Tsutomu Takahashi (the author of Jiraishin) comes the story of Tome Kano, a young lady who lost everything dear to her in the Second World War. She works as a waitress in a cabaret bar until, one day, she gets an offer to be part of a promotional exhibition for Girls Professional Baseball. Set on this new path, she goes on to become a legend -- the 'Iron-Armed Beauty' -- and embody the dreams of a nation.
Iron Arm Girl has finished publishing and it has 92 Chapters. It is also Known as: 鉄腕ガール, Tetsuwan Girl