Haru Arai, a high school girl who used to be called a genius soccer girl, has transferred to a high school far from her hometown and is about to start a new life away from soccer. However, a new student, Satsuki Osanai, appears before her and, admiring past glories, declares that she will join a soccer club that is on the verge of being disbanded. This is a girls' soccer story about a girl who gave up on her dreams and a girl who chases her dreams!
Haru no Regista It is also Known as: ハルのレジスタ, Haru no Resista, Haru's Regista
Genres: Soccer , Sports , Comedy , Slice of Life , Shounen
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1. Haru no Regista
Haru Arai, a high school girl who used to be called a genius soccer girl, has transferred to a high school far from her hometown and is about to start a new life away from soccer. However, a new student, Satsuki Osanai, appears before her and, admiring past glories, declares that she will join a soccer club that is on the verge of being disbanded. This is a girls' soccer story about a girl who gave up on her dreams and a girl who chases her dreams!
Haru no Regista is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: ハルのレジスタ, Haru no Resista, Haru's Regista