Follows Kuroitsu, an assistant researcher in the superhuman research & development department of Agastya, a villainous secret organization that battles with heroes who try to save the world. Kuroitsu lives a busy life in Agastya, caught between the absurd requests of her bosses; making presentations; implementing new features into superhumans; and getting results within the allotted time, budget, and spec requests; all without vacation.
Source: ANN
Kuroitsu-san in the Superhuman Research & Development Department It is also Known as: 怪人開発部の黒井津さん, Kuroitsu-san from the Monster Development Department
Genres: Action , Comedy , Ecchi , Fantasy , Science Fiction , Seinen , Working Life
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Top Manga Like Kuroitsu-san in the Superhuman Research & Development Department (Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san) [2024 List]
2. Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san
Follows Kuroitsu, an assistant researcher in the superhuman research & development department of Agastya, a villainous secret organization that battles with heroes who try to save the world. Kuroitsu lives a busy life in Agastya, caught between the absurd requests of her bosses; making presentations; implementing new features into superhumans; and getting results within the allotted time, budget, and spec requests; all without vacation.
Source: ANN
Kuroitsu-san in the Superhuman Research & Development Department is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: 怪人開発部の黒井津さん, Kuroitsu-san from the Monster Development Department
1. Hataraku Saibou Black
In the manga's story, cells work in a "black" environment in the body of a human in poor health. The person drinks and eats too much, has insufficient physical activity, and has high stress.
Note: Chapter count includes 2 side stories.
Hataraku Saibou Black has finished publishing and it has 50 Chapters. It is also Known as: はたらく細胞BLACK, Hataraku Saibou Black