Menhera-chan is a satire manga series created by Ezaki Bisuko. Menhera-chan was originally vent art due to the stress Ezaki has gone through, and was considered a way of escapism to distract himself from the harsh reality of university exams. Originally created in 2014, the character and manga had become extremely popular over on Twitter. Menhera-chan is largely based on magical girls and mental health combined, which would be titled Yamikawaii (Sickly Cute).
Menhera-chan has finished publishing and it has 20 Chapters. It is also Known as: メンヘラチャン, Wrist-Cut Transformation Subculture✡Menhera, Menherachan:Menhera-Chan
Genres: Action , Comedy , Magical Girl , Magic , Slice of Life , Supernatural , Horror , Drama , Henshin , Superhero , Tone Changes , Satire
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Top Manga Like Menhera-chan [2024 List]
3. Melancholia
An omnibus collection of short stories.
Melancholia has finished publishing and it has 26 Chapters. It is also Known as: メランコリア, Melancholia
2. Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z
Between eating sweets and trying to win over her crush, Momoko Akadzutsumi is a typical thirteen-year-old girl... However, she holds a big secret: along with her friends Miyako Goutokuji and Kaoru Matsubara, she is one of the Powerpuff Girls Z! Their mission? To fight the evil monsters created from the mysterious Chemical Z. But when two new villains come into the picture, the Powerpuff Z may just face their toughest challenge yet!
has finished publishing and it has 12 Chapters. It is also Known as: 出ましたっ! パワパフガールズZ, PPGZ
1. Menhera-chan
Menhera-chan is a satire manga series created by Ezaki Bisuko. Menhera-chan was originally vent art due to the stress Ezaki has gone through, and was considered a way of escapism to distract himself from the harsh reality of university exams. Originally created in 2014, the character and manga had become extremely popular over on Twitter. Menhera-chan is largely based on magical girls and mental health combined, which would be titled Yamikawaii (Sickly Cute).
Menhera-chan has finished publishing and it has 20 Chapters. It is also Known as: メンヘラチャン, Wrist-Cut Transformation Subculture✡Menhera, Menherachan:Menhera-Chan