Menhera-chan is a satire manga series created by Ezaki Bisuko. Menhera-chan was originally vent art due to the stress Ezaki has gone through, and was considered a way of escapism to distract himself from the harsh reality of university exams. Originally created in 2014, the character and manga had become extremely popular over on Twitter. Menhera-chan is largely based on magical girls and mental health combined, which would be titled Yamikawaii (Sickly Cute).
Menhera-chan has finished publishing and it has 20 Chapters. It is also Known as: メンヘラチャン, Wrist-Cut Transformation Subculture✡Menhera, Menherachan:Menhera-Chan
Genres: Action , Comedy , Magical Girl , Magic , Slice of Life , Supernatural , Horror , Drama , Henshin , Superhero , Tone Changes , Satire
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Top Manga Like Menhera-chan [2025 List]
- 1. Menhera-chan
1. Menhera-chan
Menhera-chan is a satire manga series created by Ezaki Bisuko. Menhera-chan was originally vent art due to the stress Ezaki has gone through, and was considered a way of escapism to distract himself from the harsh reality of university exams. Originally created in 2014, the character and manga had become extremely popular over on Twitter. Menhera-chan is largely based on magical girls and mental health combined, which would be titled Yamikawaii (Sickly Cute).
Menhera-chan has finished publishing and it has 20 Chapters. It is also Known as: メンヘラチャン, Wrist-Cut Transformation Subculture✡Menhera, Menherachan:Menhera-Chan