The manga centers on the protagonist Opera Cat Rune and the protagonist's machine, the "Fragile," as they travel through space. At the same time, Kamon the Robot contemplates where it is from, where it is headed, and what it will become.
Speope!! It is also Known as: Space Opera!!
Genres: Space Opera , Mecha , Space , Space Travel , Other Planet
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Top Manga Like Speope!! [2025 List]
- 1. Speope!!
1. Speope!!
The manga centers on the protagonist Opera Cat Rune and the protagonist's machine, the "Fragile," as they travel through space. At the same time, Kamon the Robot contemplates where it is from, where it is headed, and what it will become.
Speope!! is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: Space Opera!!