Five years after the death of Darth Vader, peace has yet to prevail in the galaxy, and the remnants of the Empire remain in darkness. A lone bounty hunter, "The Mandalorian," who has always survived the chaos alone, until he met "The Child," an orphan with mysterious powers, and they became embroiled in an epic struggle that will hunt them across the galaxy.
Star Wars: The Mandalorian It is also Known as: スター・ウォーズ:マンダロリアン, The Mandalorian, STAR WARS: マンダロリアン
Genres: Action , Adventure , Science Fiction , Drama , Family , Space , Bounty Hunter
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Top Manga Like Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Star Wars: Mandalorian) [2025 List]
1. Star Wars: Mandalorian
Five years after the death of Darth Vader, peace has yet to prevail in the galaxy, and the remnants of the Empire remain in darkness. A lone bounty hunter, "The Mandalorian," who has always survived the chaos alone, until he met "The Child," an orphan with mysterious powers, and they became embroiled in an epic struggle that will hunt them across the galaxy.
Star Wars: The Mandalorian has finished publishing and it has Chapters. It is also Known as: スター・ウォーズ:マンダロリアン, The Mandalorian, STAR WARS: マンダロリアン