In Neo Tokyo, disillusioned youth form tribes that battle each other in an intense game called Extreme Baseball. One night, two kids – Haru Shirogane and Taiga – meet the strongest XB Player Shun Kamiya. Haru and Taiga join Shun's group, the Minato Tribe, to play this cutthroat game against a mysterious man who has begun taking control of all the tribes. Can they defeat him before it’s too late?
Tribe Nine It is also Known as: トライブナイン, Tribe Nine
Genres: Action , Science Fiction , Sports , Baseball , Delinquent , Cyberpunk , Shounen
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Top Manga Like Tribe Nine [2025 List]
- 2. Tribe Nine
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2. Tribe Nine
In Neo Tokyo, disillusioned youth form tribes that battle each other in an intense game called Extreme Baseball. One night, two kids – Haru Shirogane and Taiga – meet the strongest XB Player Shun Kamiya. Haru and Taiga join Shun's group, the Minato Tribe, to play this cutthroat game against a mysterious man who has begun taking control of all the tribes. Can they defeat him before it’s too late?
Tribe Nine is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: トライブナイン, Tribe Nine
1. Rendezvous
When I wake up, everything is a mess. War? Extraterrestrial invasion? Whatever it is, I just need to take my personal revenge.
Rendezvous is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: ランデヴー, Rendezvous (Hun), Rangdebu