Amidst a zombie apocalypse, Vin Yeom, an exterminator, finds a new purpose as an undertaker, specializing in funerals for the infected. Within the walls of the quarantine zone, he and his team navigate a treacherous world, providing solace to grieving families. Their company offers a unique but costly service that bridges the gap between life and death, allowing for one last goodbye. But in this world of death and despair, secrets linger, and the very loss that led Vin down this path may unearth a conspiracy that will shock the world and perhaps... help him find his way back.
Zombie Funeral Services It is also Known as: Zombie Funeral Services
Genres: Zombie , Science Fiction , Thriller
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1. Zombie Funeral Services
Amidst a zombie apocalypse, Vin Yeom, an exterminator, finds a new purpose as an undertaker, specializing in funerals for the infected. Within the walls of the quarantine zone, he and his team navigate a treacherous world, providing solace to grieving families. Their company offers a unique but costly service that bridges the gap between life and death, allowing for one last goodbye. But in this world of death and despair, secrets linger, and the very loss that led Vin down this path may unearth a conspiracy that will shock the world and perhaps... help him find his way back.
Zombie Funeral Services is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: Zombie Funeral Services